

  • 11
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:私营企业
  • 公司地址: 河南省 新乡 *区 向阳小区街道 蓝钻国际
  • 姓名: 毛伟建
  • 认证: 手机已认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定



  • 所属行业:仪器仪表 物位仪表
  • 发布日期:2016-04-25
  • 阅读量:280
  • 价格:1.00 元/台 起
  • 产品规格:可定做
  • 产品数量:1.00 台
  • 包装说明:可定做
  • 发货地址:河南新乡*区向阳小区街道  
  • 关键词:0-5000mm,-0.1MPa-32MPa,-70-250度,0.5-1.5级


    一 简介 Introduction 
    FY系列智能电容式液位计是我公司根据市场需求,*的新一代高科技液位计,其实用性和先进性逐渐被大中型化工企业所青睐,该系列液位计线路部分均采用新一代微电脑处理技术,将传感器信号转化为数字信号,通过MCU进行温度,线性补偿和系列功能设置,可用于液体、油类、固体测量的液位(物位)测量,无可动部件。它不受水蒸汽,灰尘或冷凝的影响,具有长期运行稳定可靠,灵敏度高,线性度好,耐高温,耐高压等优点。FY系列智能电容式液位计全系列产品都具有现场校准功能,用户可通过按键进行:“零点”、“量程”自动校准,以适应各种复杂场所的不同要求,可广泛用于石油、化工、冶金、电力、造纸、制药等各个领域。The intelligent capacitive fluid level gauge in FY series is the new generation high-tech fluid level gauge developed by out company independently according to market demand, its practicability and progressiveness have been get recommended by those chemical industrial enterprises gradually. Such series fluid level gauge are partially adopting the new generation microcomputer processing technology, to convert the sensor ** into digital **, by making the temperature, linear compensation through MCU and the functional setting in series, it can be used for the fluid (substance) level measurement on the detection of fluid, oil and solid materials, and without moveable parts. It shall not be affected by the water vapor, dusts or condensation, has the advantages as stability and reliability for long term operation, high sensitivity, quite good linearity, high temperature/ pressure resistance. All of the intelligent capacitive fluid level gauge in FY series have the function to make calibration on site, user can perform it through pressing the key for: automatic calibration of “zero point” and “”measuring range, in order to accommodate to different requirements from various complex place, it can be widely used in various fields such as petroleum, chemical industry, metallurgy, electricity, papermaking, pharmacy etc.
       智能电容式液位计作为本质安全型产品符合 GB3836.1-2010《爆炸性气体环境用电气设备*1部分:通用要求》和GB3836.4-2010《爆炸性气体环境用电气设备*4部分:本质安全型“i”》的有关要求,防爆标志为:ExibIIBT5,适用于 1 区、2区,含有IIA~IIB类,温度组别为T1~T5的爆炸性气体混合物的危险场所。As intrinsically safe product, the intelligent capacitive fluid level gauge complies with the relative requirements as per in GB3836.1-2010 –the Electronic Equipment Used in Explosive Gas Environment, Part One: General Requirement and the GB3836.4.2010 – the Electronic Equipment Used in Explosive Gas Environment, Part Four: Intrinsically Safe Type “i”, its explosion-proof symbol is ExibIIBT5 Gb, can be used in Zone 1 and Zone 2, the hazardous place where  containing the explosive gas mixture in class IIA~IIB, and temperature category T1~T5.
    二、产品特点 Product feature  
    1.实用性强,按键设置,一键校准,任意两点标定,操作较其简单。It has the strong practicability with key configuration and one-key correction, calibration at any two points; its operation is remarkably simple; 
    2.采用数字软件滤波技术,不受气量和液位摆动的影响,既能快速跟踪瞬态变化,又能显示液位的平均效应,显示稳定准确。By using the digital software filter technique, it shall not be affected by the gas amount and fluid level fluctuation, can both make the fast tracking on switching transients and displaying the average effect of fluid level with stable and accurate indication;  
    3.智能型液位仪在18-28V的电压均可正常工作,满足任何型号的安全栅。The intelligent capacitive fluid level gauge can work under the voltage from 18 -24V generally, accommodate to the guard grating in any models.  
    4.采用软硬件抗干扰和纠错技术,在非防爆场所亦*隔离,直接入网,降低了电路复杂性,减少成本。By adopting the anti-interference and error correction technologies with software and hardware, it shall not need to be isolated in the non-explosion-proof site and can be directly connected, reducing the complexity of circuit and cost; 
    5.精度高,通用性能强。It has the high accuracy and strong general performance capacity,
    三、主要性能指标Main performance index 
    Measuring range: optional within 300~5000mm range 测量范围:300-5000mm范围内任意选用;
    Working pressure 工作压力:-0.1MPa~4.0MPa;
    Working temperature: bar-type 工作温度:杆式:-70°C~250°C;
    Probe diameter探较直径:¢8mm,¢10mm,特殊要求请订货前说明;special requests please specify before ordering. 
    Material for detection probe 探较材质:PTFE;
    Material for fluid receiving: stainless steel 接湿材质:不锈钢;
    Output **: 4-20mA DC, 4-20mA overlapped with HART protocol; 输出信号:4-20mA DC、4-20mA叠加HART协议;
    Long term stability 长期稳定性:≤0.2%FS/年 year ;
    Accuracy grade 精度等级:0.5% FS;
    Mounting mode: 固定方式:1.螺纹安装 screw thread mounting 
              2.法兰安装, Flange mounting 
              3.特殊要求请在订货前说明 special requirements please specify before ordering 
    Explosion-proof symbol  防爆标志:ExibllBT5 Gb;
    适用介质:液氨、甲醇、铜液、丙碳液、脱硫液等对聚四氟乙烯无腐蚀的任意介质;Applicable medium: any medium like liquid ammonia, methanol, cooper solution, C-carbon solution, desulfurized solution etc that not corrosive to PTFE. 
    四   选型表 Selection table 
    FY2B	智能电容式液位计选型表 Selection table for intelligent capacitive fluid level gauge 
    Product type 	
    	1		标  准  型(压力≤1.6MPa)
    Standard type (Pressure ≤ 2.5MPa) 
    	2		标  准  型(压力≤4.0MPa)
    Standard type (Pressure ≤ 4.0MPa)
    	3		同轴护套型(压力≤1.6MPa)
    Coaxial jacket type (Pressure ≤ 1.6MPa) 
    	4		同轴护套型(压力≤4.0MPa)
    Coaxial jacket type (Pressure ≤ 4.0MPa)
    信号 Signal	
    		A		4-20mA信号输出,液晶显示
    4~20mA ** output, LED display
    		B		4-20mA+HART协议,液晶显示 
    4~20mA+HART protocol, LED display
    Code	测量范围
    Measuring range 
    			L1		500mm
    			L2		800mm
    			L3		1000mm
    			L()		特殊规格请在括号内填写Special requirements please fill in the bracket
    Code	 接液材质
    Fluid receiving material
    				D		请在订货时备注
    Please remark while ordering
    Connection mode	
    					F		法兰安装(需提供公称直径)
    Flange mounting (nominal diameter shall be provided)
    					M		螺纹安装(需提供尺寸)
    Screw thread mounting (dimension shall be provided)
    						特殊要求请备注 Special request please leave remark accordingly.
    Capacitive fluid level gauge						
    七、订货须知:Ordering instructions: 
    1、测量范围 Measuring range
    2、工作压力 Working pressure
    3、连接方式 Connection mode 
    4、测量介质 Measuring medium

    欢迎来到新乡市恒冠仪表有限公司网站, 具体地址是河南省新乡*区蓝钻国际,老板是李振宇。 主要经营公司主要生产和经营各种电容式液位计,智能锅炉汽包液位计,*,顶装*,磁敏电子双色液位计,磁致伸缩液位计,浮球液位计,超声波液位计,智能雷达液位计,LED双色显示液位计面板,通用数字光柱二次液位显示仪,压力变送器,温度变送器等系列产品。。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 500 - 1000 万元。 我们公司主要供应液位计,智能电容,磁系列,料位计,传感器,变送器等产品,我们的产品货真价实,性能可靠,欢迎电话咨询!